At this moment

I read this list on a friend’s blog earlier today, loved it and knew I need to do the same. Just another way for me to look back and enjoy all the crazy moments in my life. 

Making: A delicious chocolate sheet cake with buttercream icing. Homemade! On Yeah! 
Cooking: As much as I can on the grill. 
Drinking: Crush Orange Soda, lately I have been craving it something fierce. Crushin' it! 
Reading: Trying to get into Where'd You Go, Bernadette. I'm thinking I might just have to put it down and head to the bookstore. 
Wanting: My hair trimmed and highlighted.
Looking: At pictures on my computer. I really need to print them out and store them in a cute box. 
Playing: Lots of rummy with Grant 
Wasting: Way too much money at Lowes on plants. 
Sewing: Yeah right!
Wishing: I had some cookie dough ice cream! 
Enjoying: The mild evenings we have had lately, we have really been enjoying patio time.  
Waiting: For Grant to get home so we can go eat some Mexican food with the fam! 
Liking: My naturally, wild, out of control curly hair for once. It's only taken me 32 years. 
Wondering: Why every time I kill a dang fly in the house, another one appears!
Loving: That I am able to spend the summer days at home with my boys.
Hoping: I am making the right decisions with parenting.  
Needing: A date night with my main squeeze. 
Smelling: Stinky boys, who have been playing in the dirt outside. 
Wearing: T-shits and running shorts. Everyday! 
Noticing: That I really need to clean the bathrooms, ugh. 
Knowing: In two weeks we are headed to Lillian, Alabama to visit Grant's grandma with family and hitting the beach!
Thinking: What am I going to do with all the fresh tomatoes in my kitchen? Salsa?! 
Feeling: Happy as I listen to Luke sing the Bubble Man song! :) 

Opening: Fresh fig and black pepper goat cheese I bought at the Farmer's Market this weekend.


  1. My plants are pretty much toast :( I don't mini why I put myself through this every year. So hard to say goodbye!!;)

  2. Oh and fig and black pepper goat cheese sounds amazing even at 7 am

    1. It is so good, I had some on a blueberry bagel this morning. I know that sounds like a strange combination, but it's yummy.
      I think for once I might take a plant back to Lowes to see if they honor the 1 year guarantee. My is dying and I want a new one! That's the point right?!


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